Who we are
The Power and Water Resources Pooling Authority (PWRPA) is a Joint Powers Authority comprised of 9 Irrigation Districts that organized in 2004 under California State law to collectively manage individual power assets and loads. The Authority serves 15 water purveyors, and as indicated in the following map, the aerial scope of PWRPA spans a significant portion of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valleys and coastal counties of California. The Authority’s power load ranges from 20 to 120 MW from Winter to Summer consuming 290 to 520 GWH of energy annually to convey, treat, and recycle water for their growers and consumers. The Participants individual loads range from 2 to 35 MW.
Although principally formed to coordinate power supplies, these districts and agencies recognize the interchangeability of water management and power requirements; accordingly, as the name reflects, the participants envision alternative water-management options and potential exchanges as a potentially significant role for the Authority.